You can attract and retain clients by creating a dedicated blog for your real estate business. The practice of regularly creating and sharing content via this type of platform produces positive to very positive results for 85% of small businesses using blogging as part of their marketing strategy. Maintaining a blogging practice is more effective than most other marketing efforts when time and energy are limited.

The opportunity to add value to your customers’ lives beyond your usual activities is another clear benefit of learning how to start a real estate blog. You can demonstrate your involvement in the community by creating content that is specific to your target neighborhood. In addition, this establishes your business as a thought leader in the industry.

Our five easy-to-implement steps will show you how to start a real estate blog in no time at all.

 Step 1: Getting Set Up

 Your web host or designer can add a blog to your business website if you already have one. Please follow the instructions below if you are not familiar with them.

You can create, store, and view your website on the internet with the help of a web host. Domain name services are offered by some web hosts so that you can purchase an address for your website so people can find you directly or through Google.

Some specialty web hosts even offer easy-to-use platforms for creating and designing your website. There are several popular web hosts, including Squarespace and WordPress. If you choose one that feels right to you, you’ll be well on your way to learning how to start a real estate blog.

Some web hosts allow you to purchase a domain name. There are some web hosts that require you to connect a domain name that you have purchased elsewhere. Every company must provide clear instructions regarding how to connect a domain name according to their own unique process.

Choosing a domain name that represents your business well is important since you’ll be stuck with it for a long time. Keeping it simple and obvious is the best course of action.

You will need to connect your website to a website builder if your web host doesn’t already offer it. Decide where and how to start a real estate blog by considering features like advanced post scheduling and drag-and-drop tools. The easier the tool is to use, the more useful it will be.

Stay true to your brand’s colors and logo. Don’t forget to keep your design clean and intuitive. Theme options include premade themes and coding your own from scratch. It doesn’t matter which you choose, as long as it’s one you and your audience will enjoy.

 Step 2: Develop A Content Calendar

 The next step is to decide what you will write once you have your web host, domain, and site all set up. You should consider how you’ll organize your content when learning how to start a real estate blog. Calendars are one of the most popular and effective methods for creating a regular blog schedule.

Among the most popular content calendar tools are Google Docs, CoSchedule, and Airtable. With these sites, you can take notes, organize ideas, set deadlines, draft posts, and save all your work in one place.

A realistic amount of time will also be needed for you to write on your blog. The key to a successful blog is having a consistent schedule. Make sure you choose a posting cycle that works for you, whether you post every day or every month.

Hubspot recommends writing 16 or more blog posts per month if you have the time. When companies maintain this schedule, they generate 4.5x more leads than companies who are limited to only 4 per month.

 Decide What You Are Going To Write In Step 3

 After that, you’ll need to select your topics. Start a real estate blog based on inspiration from your calendar. When are the next national holidays? Please mark those down. Do you know of any upcoming properties that your audience will love? Could upcoming changes in the legislature affect how your clients shop or apply for bank loans? Make a note of all of these and put them on your calendar. Content you create in the weeks or days leading up to these dates will be inspired by these dates.

As you continue to learn how to start a real estate blog, you already have a calendar working for you.

 It’s time to fill in the rest of the blanks with content ideas once these holidays and events are scheduled. For brainstorming quality topics, here are a few suggestions:

Think about the questions you are asked most often. Publish a blog post answering each question.

When you’re on the go, keep a notebook with you and jot down ideas. It will be your clients who will provide you with the best inspiration. Take note of these thoughts as soon as you have them. As a result, you’ll save time because you’ll have your ideas ready for you when you sit down to write.

Consider self-reflection. What made you want to start a blog in the first place? Identify topics that reflect those goals.

Make a list of the blogs you enjoy reading about real estate. Inspiration can be found there. Are you able to write about the same topics in your own unique way?

In Step 4, You Will Write High-Quality Blog Content

After you know what to write about, you’ll need to learn how to write a post that will capture attention and inspire action. Here’s an easy method for writing killer blog posts if you’re just getting started with a real estate blog. Ensure that you include the following:

It should have a catchy title. Ideally, it should be no more than 10 words.

The main idea/takeaway for each post should be clear.

Use bold headlines and bullet points when appropriate to make it skimmable.

Be as friendly as you would be if you were talking to a client. Stand out by using your unique voice.

Ensure that you include a clear call to action at the end of every post. Ensure it adds value to the reader’s experience and relates to the topic you’ve discussed.

Keep your average word count consistent. The ideal length for a post is between 500 and 1,000 words.

 5th Step: Assess, Learn, Improve

You should also take some time to reflect on your early experiences when learning how to start a real estate blog. Examine your social media shares and Google Analytics data after you’ve published roughly 50 blog posts.

Here are two simple exercises to try:

List your most popular articles. See if they have anything in common. What are the most popular topics or themes? In the future, will you be able to replicate this success?

You may want to create another list of posts that are less popular. Is there anything you can learn from these? Double down on what works and eliminate what doesn’t.

Confidence In Your Writing

Establishing your online presence requires you to learn how to start a Ambergris Caye Real Estate. However, implementing it can be time-consuming and difficult to keep up with when trying to stay ahead of your other marketing efforts.

This is where OutboundEngine comes in. We handle your social media posts, email campaigns, referrals, and more so you can write engaging and shareable blog posts. Discover how OutboundEngine can take your real estate business to the next level by generating leads. Schedule a free demo today.